Fournier Study & Diploma:


1988 - Personnel coach diploma /Hanau Germany

2000 - Football physical training (IAPF)

2001 - Coordination training

- warm up with ball (IAPF/ Muenster Germany)

- Culture of offensive football Training (FTF Tunis/M.Hidalgo)

2002 - Sport Rehabilitation Diploma (BSA Academy Mandelbach/Germany)

- Intern. Coach Meeting/ World Cup Report/Saahrland byDFB/BDFL (Michael Meurer)

- FIFA Intern. Coaching Conference /Zurich:Swizerland

2003 - FIFA Futuro 2 conference (Ramadan& Football currant aspects)

Zurich/Swizerland & FIFA medical conference

- burn out syndrome” (Reasearch by T.Mohr & Dr.J.Dworak )


2003 - Organisation like Monitor a stage for Algerian Pro Coaches in collaboration with Sports Ministry (football physical training/Alger)

2005 - Intern.Coach Meeting BDFL/Duisburg (German football physicalTest)

2008 - Diploma: Performance Analysis Manager (Prozone/Leeds England)

2010 - french football Athletic coach formation/Study

2013 - swiss football Athletic coach formation/Study

2017 - Diploma Football Athletic Coach A License ( SportlereiAcademy/Germany )


2018 - FIFA Diploma in Footbal Medicine (Swiss) 


Thema Athletik-Konferenz

Trainingssteuerung 4.0: Leistungsentwicklung und Verletzungsreduktion auf allen Leistungsebenen - zu schön um wahr zu sein?